
The $100,000 Shots

Oh guys, Dan's at the gym, and I'm panicking. Seriously panicking. A hundred thousand dollars for the shots?!? What am I doing? That's the shots alone. We've seen the monster of Hermie fighting against my best efforts to stop him. This is so much money, and it's not for a child or a college fund or even a house. This is to hopefully save my life. You get to the point where you would do anything to save your life, but it's still terrifying. I still can't believe I'm in this position - probably because I never look in the mirror (total denial), and because I'm home 95% of the time.

I have to do this though. I can't just sit here and wait for brain tumor growth.

This whole thing makes me nauseous. I don't even want to pay to fix my hair with extensions or some sort of hair thing to make me look pretty because I don't want to waste the money, or feel vain when I'm dealing with so much big stuff. Yet I want it. I want to feel gorgeous with a full head of hair, to feel sexy, and young, and invincible. To be able to blend, and laugh, and not have to wear a hat or worry about my scar showing through. I'm going on a tangent...sorry about that. Just ignore me. I'm going to find Bingie and cuddle for a bit. Good night.


  1. Jess, it's time to cloud source this. If your friends could get together and organize an auction or a kickstarter-type event, then we, your yet-unmet band of online fans, could spread your story. There's enough money out there to make this happen. It's just a matter of helping it find you. My small business would happily donate some beautiful scarves for you to use to fundraise. While we are at it, we should make it possible for you to freeze some of your eggs so that you really can have kids at whatever point you want. Let's shoot for the moon! You are worth it.

    1. Hi Shelby, I'm a fellow friend of Jess. Please like the Hope for Jess Facebook page to receive updates for some upcoming donation opportunity's. Soon their will be a business level sponsorships for the Hope for Jess medical fund website. With this sponsorship your business logo would be proudly displayed and receive shot out's on the Hope for Jess Facebook page. Stay tuned to the Hope for Jess Facebook page and medical fund website for more details their links are below or email me at hopeforjes@gmail.com

      Thank you so much, Melissa



  2. Jess, I agree with Shelby, so far you are a miracle, so don't be surprised if a lot of money comes your way. You deserve a break.

  3. Life is priceless, money is just money. I agree that getting your story out there is the key. If you are reading this anyone please, if you have this talent of fundraising and are willing, I pray the Lord will bless your hands and mind to do this for Jess! God blesses those who are a blessing!!!!!!! Love and healing hugs coming your way sweet girl.....

  4. Life is priceless, money is just money. I agree that getting your story out there is the key. If you are reading this anyone please, if you have this talent of fundraising and are willing, I pray the Lord will bless your hands and mind to do this for Jess! God blesses those who are a blessing!!!!!!! Love and healing hugs coming your way sweet girl.....

  5. We are spreading the word Jess and you will get this money to pay for the treatment. And like I've said many times...you can always adopt. :) Family comes in many forms.

  6. If you build it, they will come, right? Silly, I know, but it's totally true. I completely believe that what you think about, to a certain extent, you bring about. There is so much love and support that surrounds you, Jess, that you will get these shots. They will be paid for through yours and Dan's hard work, through the hard work of your friends as they fundraise for you, and through the community that has and will support you. Not to worry, dear, though I'm sure you will do that anyway, we all do. I hope you got some sleep last night and that it was filled w/ sweet dreams.

  7. Oh, Jess. I am so sorry you have to worry about this. $100,000 is a huge amount, but it's nothing compared to your worth. Just remember you are priceless, a unique creation by God. Just try to take one step at a time, although it is hard to do that. It's great that it is pay as you go though. Hopefully that will make it easier on the financial side (both for you and for all of those who want to help by donating). My heart goes out to you. I am praying for you, my friend. Jessica

  8. I'm just wondering if there is any way you could turn this wonderful blog into a published book? You write extremely well Jess, always from the heart, so descriptive of your physical and mental condition. I think it would be a best seller and solve your money situation forever! Does any one out there have connections with editors, publishers etc? Big hug, Debbie


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