Showing posts with label depakote. Show all posts
Showing posts with label depakote. Show all posts


Good-Bye Anticonvulsant.

Sorry, I've been off my computer for a few days. My mind is mud. I can't think. I have had nothing to write because my brain is a slug. I have feelings and thoughts, somewhere in my gray hazy matter, but I can't connect to them. I can't even do more than basic sentences without needing a break.

Doctors don't even know what exactly causes seizures. They think it's an overactive brain (I'm simplifying here), therefore they prescribed me a drug that blocks or slows specific neurotransmitters. Now, I'm running on a portion of the firing that I usually have. My brain is half asleep. Think lobotomy.

Yesterday, it got so bad that I emailed my nurse and told her I want off the Dekopate. I asked for a schedule to decrease the medicine. It's too much. Also, over the weekend, I noticed a small rash on my right shoulder. In the Patient Advisory Leaflet (pharmacy info) under the Side Effects portion, it says, "Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include: rash..." It continues to mention that the rash is a sign of severe liver problems. That sounds fun. All in all, I'm exhausted, mentally slow, my vision is blurry, my moods are horrible, my heart palpitates and I'm just a fraction of myself. I can't even write. I can't think.

So, today I did not take my morning anti-seizure pill. I emailed my nurse and reminded her that I want a schedule to decrease the dosage, and I mentioned the rash. 

I refuse to live like this. I might not be able to control some of the biggest things in my life; I can't drive to get to the grocery store or even a doctor's appointment. I also can't change the fact that I have the tumor nugget growing in my brain. But I can limit the bad drugs that ruin the quality of my life. It's one small step that can help me be happier.

On this pill I feel like I'm slipping away. I just want to get back to being me, even if that means a seizure here or there.


Divalproex Is The Devil

The past few days have been tough. The family has been researching different alternative medicine, different unusual treatments that are being used in other countries. We're lead to them by other brain tumor patients who have had success. It's wonderful, and yet at the same time I feel overwhelmed.

In the meantime, we're trying to get appointments with a neuro-oncologist to deal with my anti-seizure medicine. The side effects are too extreme for me. I'm grumpy almost all of the time, depressed for no reason. I'm trying to keep a happy face, but I'm just having such a hard time functioning. There are lots of other anti-seizure medicine out there, so I'm hoping that we can find a better fit. If I can't find a good fit, I might just get off the medicine and elect to avoid driving and other activities that would be dangerous for a seizure ridden person. I feel crazy. I'm definitely not myself. My radiation oncologist already told me that anti-seizure medicine (for a person with my diagnosis) may not even change a thing to avoid an episode. With that lingering in my head, I'm not going to lose myself in medication at this cost.

One more thing. I'm sure it's nothing, but I had an atypical mole removed on my chest and the pathology came back positive. I now have to go back in for more digging to remove the areas around the mole and have it sent for even further testing. I'm feeling fine about the results, especially after having friends share some scary stories about precancerous mole episodes, it's just not fun.

Normally I could shake things off, but right now I'm just in a funk. I'm funky. My vision is blurry, I can't shake my head quickly, I'm groggy, I sleep over 15 hours a day/night, and my eyes are watering, but I'm not crying about anything. I'm not sad, I'm just emotional. I HATE PILLS. Specifically, divalproex (depakote).
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