
Jess Update III

Jess has been moved out of the ICU and into her own room. The move was tough as we had to adjust to new nurses and new routines. She still has an significant amount of pain to deal with, but we managed it well enough for her to get some sleep last night. She says she got about five hours, but I would predict three, maybe four tops. She is having trouble with the dexterity and coordination of her right hand. It is a similar condition to what she dealt with after the first surgery. It is not as significant of an limitation but still something that requires a tremendous amount of attention. She can communicate and read effectively, but has found a problem with writing. She has difficulty identifying the correct letters to create the words she is searching for. We have every confidence these issues will subside in correlation with the swelling surrounding her brain. The deficits are serious and extremely scary, but at the same time they are much less intimidating then the deficits she faced after the first surgery.

Last night, or maybe early this morning, Jess fell asleep reading emails and text messages from the vast amount of people supporting her. The support she gets is a continual inspiration and source of happiness for her. I cannot thank all of you enough.


  1. Thoughts are with you always! Sending you love from goofy Emma & me. You are such a strong women. You and Dan together are unbeatable. Thank you Dan for the updates! Love you

  2. Tell Jessica to be patient with herself and she will be writing her blogs in no time. If she has an iphone with Siri, she can talk into her phone and siri will type the message for her. I have confidence it will all come back in due time. And Dan, you make such a nice secretary anyway, your posts are so good to get.
    Diana Clark

  3. Rest up dear Jess! Your body and brain is doing much healing. I know how tiring it is to move a part of your body that your brain doesn't really know how to move very easily. You are in good hands and it sounds like you will bounce back in no time. I did so much better in recovering after my second surgery even though I had deficits both times, the second was much easier and came back faster. Hang in there and sweet dreams tonight! Jessica

  4. We are so relieved that things have gone smoothly and now the work of healing begins. I pray that every day brings increased strength and restful sleep. I can't begin to tell you Jess what an inspiration you are... your enthusiasm, tenacity and optimism is infectious!

  5. I'm so glad you are doing well, Jess. I didn't get to meet you when I was in Seattle but hopefully we can visit when I go to see my mom for Christmas. All my good energies are going to you!

    - Lorraine
    (Beth Ann's daughter!)

  6. Jess! I am so incredibly proud of you for being so brave through this whole experience. It is so difficult to be so brave, but you make it seem easy. Good job, girl! I cannot tell you how many times I have thought of you during the last few days. You're on my mind constantly. Prayers and good thoughts are always going out to you. You're doing amazing. Keep up the great attitude and spirit. And please, please, please, take it easy during this recovery period. Don't work your brain too much, it needs serious rest in order to heal. I've heard that people with concussions are supposed to do nothing but zone out and enjoy relaxing company, no mental work at all during the recovery period. So I can only say, this is a perfect time to let yourself off the hook with everything! Enjoy it! I'm very proud of you! Many prayers. -an admiring islander

  7. My best love to you and your family Jess, you are in my heart.

  8. Those of us who have known you and read your blog frequently marvel at your ability to remain positive in the face of adversity. Carry on my friend. Dig deep and make us even more proud. Keep smiling at the everyday occurrences and looking fear in the face. you are a model to us on what bravery looks like and how a person can be classy and beautiful even when facing their own mortality. We all see the beauty of your spirit and it is beyond words. The love that you and Dan share is inspiring to say the least. You truly are one lucky lady and very much loved by all who have had the pleasure of knowing you or reading about your journey from your blog. Keep putting Hermie's in his place- we'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Keep up the battle brain cancer warrior. You've made us all do proud. With love- Liz from Texas

  9. Dear Jess and Dan, our thoughts are on you every day. We're checking on you every chance we have to be online as we travel (currently in the Black Forest ) with loving, healing thoughts, Susan and Dad


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