
In the ICU

I'm finally with Jess in the ICU. Besides trying to get the scheduling/dose/type of pain medication down, things are going smoothly. In between spoonfuls of ice chips Jess wanted me to tell everyone "hello from the ICU". We are going to be able to meet with Dr. Liau tomorrow for more details and evaluations. I will post another blog then.


  1. So wonderful to be getting these updates!!! Great news, thank you!!! :) Keep up the good progress, Jess!!

  2. Ps. So so very happy you are finally together! :)

  3. Fantastic news! So glad she is settled and able to have you by her side, Dan. Still sending lots of love and prayers your way for all positive news from Dr. Liau tomorrow.

    All the best from NYC,

    John and Steph

  4. You you guys are rock stars! Keep up the good work. Sending all our love, Forrest & Melissa

  5. Fantastic news! So glad she is settled and able to have you by her side, Dan. Still sending lots of love and prayers your way for all positive news from Dr. Liau tomorrow.

    All the best from NYC,

    John and Steph

  6. Praying every step of the way. Jessica

  7. Prayers continue...Thanks for the update Danny.
    Love and hugs from Seahawk Country!
    Rich and Andre

  8. Praying for Jessica, Dan & all your family. Thank you so very much Dan for posting updates in the midst of being there with Jessica

  9. Thank you for keeping those of us thinking and praying for you updated. Glad you can be by her side which is right what you both need. Good thoughts and prayers for recovery and news today.

  10. Glad to hear things went well. Continuing to think of the both of you!

  11. So wonderful to hear! Look forward to the update later after meeting with the doctor. You have an amazing girl on your hands, Danny! She is teaching so many people more than she knows. Her strength is amazing and admirable.

  12. Thanks so much for keeping us all in the loop, I know she has a huge community watching every minute tick by with all the love possible willing Jess to be safe and heal quickly. On that note, sending another bunch of hugs and kisses her way Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxo oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo. I love you so much Jess! Lorraine

  13. That is such wonderful news to hear that she doing well and you both are together again. Thanks for the update and I will keep praying for both of you.

  14. So glad to hear that Jess is doing great! She's got such a strong spirit that is so amazing and inspiring! Thanks for keeping us updated! Sending prayers & hugs her way from Texas! xoxo Reg

  15. Thanks for the update, Jess you are AMAZING! We are thinking about you often and sending prayers to you and your family. Love from the Islanders Bank Quad.


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