
Turtles Are Back!

As you can see in the photo attached, my favorite neighbors, the Green Lake turtles, are back. There's a specific log where they love to sunbathe. Each time I run the lake, I always look for signs of my green buddies. It's been months and months since they've shown their adorable faces. What a great omen! I've heard before that turtles symbolize longevity.

As Dan and I jogged the lake in the beautiful sunshine, we laughed and watched everyone stop, and pull out their phones to take photos of the turtles. We hugged and reminded ourselves how lucky we are. Life is truly good! Even though we can't help but be nervous about the MRI, we still recognize how healthy I am and what a wonderful life we live.

I remind myself, often, that this stage in my life is definitely going to be the easiest. My only problem in life is brain cancer. Someday I'll have the stress of working, parenting, and everything that comes with adulthood. For now, I just need to be healthy, find happiness in things around me, enjoy laughter with loved ones, and breathe deeply, inhaling the beauty of life. It's all so simple. Someday, soon hopefully, life won't be all about me and my needs and my survival. I can't wait to worry about the pitter-patter of little feet, or a career. That will be fun!

1 comment:

  1. RIGHT ON!

    "The Turtle is an Ancient Symbol, Representing Order, Creation, Endurance, Strength, Stability, Longevity, Fertility, and a Gentle Innocence. The Turtle also Offers Protection, Good Fortune , and Can Bring Forth Happiness and Good Omens.

    One of four Chinese sacred animals (among The Dragon, The Phoenix, and The Unicorn), the mythical Turtle is a creature of two elements; land and sea, as such the Turtle reflects an ability to adapt and flourish in any environment."


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