
Perfecting The "Innocent" Look

It has been a few eventful days. Danny has been conducting routine minor surgeries on my scabs...here's some disgusting photos....pretty mean of me to push these in your face, but I guess I might even delight in sharing them since I have to look them all day...you can curse me if you want. The surprising thing about the scabs is that they're really looking better. Still revolting.

I've been trying to keep my chin up, but this hairdo is less than ideal. I was oblivious to the fact that it will take forever for my hair to grow (relatively speaking). I do love the get-up-and-go part. I used to take 30 minutes blow drying my hair after a shower and now I just towel off my head. It's weird to see how dark my hair is though, I was born blond and now I'm dark chocolate. Weird. In fact, I have PROOF of my blond hair....

For record, I didn't eat that WHOLE bucket full of blackberries, some did land on my clothes. I think Kaal was panicked that I was heading over for his bucket. My brother is perfectly clean and I was always a mess. My teachers can now see that I had been perfecting that "innocent" look from an early start, but the proof is in the pudding, or in the lack of blackberries.

Alright. I just finished my breakfast. Each day I make a smoothie, well it's actually for both Danny and I. It consists of:

3 cups fresh spinach
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1 banana
2 tablespoons of Knox gelatin
water & ice to taste

If anyone has any suggestions for other healthy ingredients let me know. I'll eat anything that's healthy. I'd like to pack the most nutrients in the least amount of calories (I save the calories for red licorice). I already take flax seed, fish oil, spirulina, super-b complex and a multivitamin. Let me know if I'm missing something!

Off to the gym. For the record, this post is like my mind, all over the place. Sorry for the lack of cohesion.


  1. Once again an interesting upbeat post from you! Way to go!!! Just loved your little girl pictures- SO cute- and it brought back special memories of my childhood. My cousins and I used to pick blackberries by my Grandfather's house on Spring St. in Friday Harbor! Thanks for the smoothie recipe too! While you are feeling "lack of cohesion" your post to me appears to be full of fun and energy!

  2. haha those are great pics.. gotta love the expresion on Kaal's face. lol he looks the same..
    do you know about accai berries? you can find these great little packets of accai berries that are ready to go into smoothies. they are in the frozen section at most health food stores. they taste yummy too!

  3. I have a friend of mine who was given six weeks to live (heart attack, liver failure, you name it). That was over ten years ago. He has essentially lived on a macrobiotic diet since. His breakfast smoothie consists of Kale (natures brillo pad), a couple of bananas, and flax seed (not processed). He has an industrial blender (I've been eyeing one myself) and it whips that all up in the a great smoothie in seconds.
    My own smoothie recipe calls for frozen mixed berries, a banana, a 1/4 cup of plain yogurt and splash of orange juice. If i'm in gym-mode, I'll throw a scoop of protein mix in as well.

    Jeff Diffner

  4. Dre says to add peanut butter. I don't think it will enhance the nutrients you're looking for, but he says do it anyway for a little indulgence ;-).

    As for the scabs... it looks like there's light at the end of the tunnel. Just don't scratch!

    Miss you.


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