
Rotary Presentation

In two weeks I have my first real public speaking engagement. It's not as fancy as it sounds, it's just a little talk to my father's rotary. I'm going to share my story. I can't wait!

I've been brainstorming a bunch, trying to piece everything together. It's hard to figure everything out, do I tell the story chronologically, or jump around. How do I hook 'em? How do I transition things? How do I select the best parts of the past 11 months, and share the details. I have to omit stuff, what do I omit? It hurts my head to figure it out. I'm excited though! I just don't want to forget anything important.

I keep asking myself, "What is my purpose in sharing my story?"

I've come up with all kinds of answers, but none of them seem to feel exact. I want to share my story because it's absolutely crazy. It was all so sudden. It's eye opening. It's scary. It's triumphant. It's human. I guess I want to share my story and everything that goes with it. It's ok to be sad, it's ok to feel scared, it's ok to be overwhelmed, but never defeat yourself. Surround yourself with wonderful people who love you unconditionally. Find the happiness in little victories and try not to be too hard on yourself.

I feel like the past 11 months have been an out of body experience. It's like living a dream or a movie (I'm outing myself, I do love lifetime movies). This whole story is foreign to me even though I'm living it. It's hard to explain.

I'm now undergoing my largest intellectual project since they explored my noggin. I've advanced so far! I'm proud of myself. Sometimes I forget how far I've come. From not being able to say my name, or know the day, month, the name of the president, handling a fork, hitting two syllable words, learning how to read again, solving word problems, higher thinking, and here we are, truly the most difficult form of organization and planning that I've faced. It's fun! Scary, but fun. One more challenge to keep me moving!

I can't wait to face this group, mess up my words, laugh a little, apologize and keep going. My dad said that I should picture talking to a bunch of friends because that's all this is, friends, people who want me to succeed.


  1. Ugh, it's moments like this I wish I lived near you. If I did, I would totally go, sit in the front row and make faces at you so you would giggle the whole time. That would be awesome.

    But since I can't do that, know that I think this is great!!! Your dad is absolutely right. You've been able to stay open, honest and engaging for 11 months to a group of mostly friends, but also some strangers on this blog. Just think of it as if you're talking to all of us.

    You'll do amazing. You're inspirational for a million reasons, not just this tumor, so you'll definitely knock it out of the park.

    Love is flying from Abu Dhabi to Wenatchee right now! Can you feel it? It just slapped you in the face! In the face!

  2. Just get up there and "speak from your heart" like you have done for so many of us (including strangers like myself) for the last 11 months and you will be phenomenal!!! And thank you for helping my friend's daughter in Arizona with your blog. She just had brain surgery two weeks ago and is finding comfort and inspiration from you as she begins her healing process. Blessings to you, Danny and your family!

  3. ‎"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” - Dr. Seuss.

    You are so awesome!! Just the way you are...... So what ever you say in your big moment will be just perfect....

  4. I love the above quote.....There is no one alive who is You'er that You. How cool is that!! Jess, I think your story is about the fact that no matter how we plan and figure our life there is going to be a curve ball thrown......that's when the real you emerges....when you are under the pressure of the unexpected. You have and continue to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee [Muhammad Ali]. You are a winner!! your admirer, Jennifer

  5. I'm with you, Jess. Think it through ahead of time, craft it, structure it, plan it. But, then, when you are there speaking, all that planning will just underlie what you have to say as you just TALK to them, telling your story. It would be very rare to not omit something you'll think of later. So what? They'll probably invite you back anyway!

    Gee, I love you, and am proud to call you my friend.

    Dee Dee

  6. Be your wonderful self and they'll love you! xooxoooxxxxoooooooooxxxx

  7. All you have to do is smile and you will have them. They will love you as everyone who meets you does.
    Love you

  8. Jess:
    I am one friend that will be there to hear you talk to friends. Not sure if you have someone to do your introduction but if not I would be honored to do that.

    You will do awesome. You have touched many on your journey and this talk will only pull a few more folks along for Cheering Team Jess!!! Still on the top of my prayer list…Everyday!

    Keep Smiling Jess.


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