
Life's Music

My goal for this week is to do 30 minutes of running each day. When I got to the gym this afternoon, before I knew it, I was challenging myself to 45 minutes of running. I turn the running into a game. I watch TV while on the treadmill, starting at 6.0 (a 10 minute mile). I select a TV show, and as soon as a commercial comes on I bump up the speed by 0.5. By the end of the show I'm running an 8 minute mile and I've gone for 45 minutes. When the commercials appear I listen to music on my mp3 player and flip a magazine to keep my attention. I figure the more I distract myself the longer I can run.

Anyway, I only had an hour after my run to get home and shower before my book club, so I was in a bit of a hurry, but at a stoplight I saw the craziest personal short bus. I looked over my shoulder and moved to the other lane, and tried to follow the bus, trying to get a photo of the massive sign painted on the rear exit door. I would have followed it all the way to East Wenatchee, but I was running late and had to turn to head home. The sign said, "If you aren't dancing, you must not be able to hear life's music."

I couldn't get it for the photo of the day, but I'm telling you I laughed the entire drive. I'm going to be searching for the special short bus for a long time, and when I do, you can bet I'll make sure I have a photo! What a great quote.

1 comment:

  1. i love you jess!!!! yes, i too am laughing about your short bus encounter.


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