

Took this while I was in our room waiting for results. Never the sight you want to see. A sober reminder of what we're going through. It's real. It's growing. It has grown a lot (for my type). They had been watching a section of tumor and it has almost doubled in size. They're also watching a different area that is a conglomerate of cancer cells. My radiation oncologist wants to start radiation. Since Danny was at work, I told the doctors that I needed to discuss the options with my husband. They were seriously upset that I'm not on anti-seizure medicine, but we held our ground (thanks mom & dad for helping my case!).

Right now, even though we all knew this was almost inevitable (other than a miracle), I still hoped I was doing enough to slow or stunt or even completely stop the growth. Apparently, I'm not.

Maybe I can't stop it. Maybe this is just my lot. It's scary and disappointing. I want to hunker down in a hole lined in down comforters. I want a thousand pillows surrounding me, and Dan engulfing me in his hug. I want the two of us to disappear and morph into a dreamland full of bunnies and kittens, and warm breezes.

Sorry if I don't answer the phone, or emails. I need to absorb this. Dan should be home from work soon and we'll need space. Thank you for understanding and thank you for all of the love. I appreciate all of the texts and emails, and posts on the blog. I'm floating above myself, blurry with confusion. What do I do next? What is right? Can I win? Can I beat this? I'm not going to give up, but I do need to regroup.
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