
Coffee Enema

Three guesses about what I'm about to do when I finish this post.....

Really quick, thank you for all of the amazing comments, and support for my treatment!! I appreciate you guys so much!

I have a funny, gross post today...I have been meaning to do a coffee enema for about, well, a couple of years - ever since I started researching important things to do for cancer patients. I really do want to do this enema, for the results, but I'm TERRIFIED of the process. Coffee enemas are very effective at stimulating the immune system. (Check out The Gerson Therapy.) Therefore, I figured it is now seriously time for me to buck up. I've made it this far, taken all kinds of supplements, conquered a few brain surgeries, and now I'm embarking on an immune system boosting treatment with the vaccine....I should be woman enough for a coffee enema. Right? GROSS!!! I can not believe I have to do this. I'm supposed to do it once a week. I hope this doesn't turn into a complete disaster. Wish me luck. Sorry, is that too much to ask? Sorry if you're totally offended.


Here goes nothing. Or, more accurately, here goes my innocence and dignity...


  1. No your not crazy! I actually just spoke to a man today who's father had throat cancer and refused chemo/ radiation. He soley and strictly used the Gerson therapy for nearly 3 years. His strenuous work paid off with eliminating the toxic cancer forever!!! You go girl..put your mind to it. Trust in God for your strength, healing and guidance! He has a plan for you. Remember that beautiful rainbow in LA....

  2. I will never look at coffee the same way again, oh well if it helps, rock on girlie! God gave us many things for many uses, up to us to figure out how and when. You are like a little mad scientist, I love it Dr "J". Cherish each day everyone reading this, and please include our good doctor in your prayers...

  3. Jessica,this is a bad idea. Don't stress yourself out too much w/this type of thing. A good immune system has a moderate diet with plenty of healthy exercise, sleep, and support from family and friends.

    quackwatch is a great source of information for any alternative therapies you are considering.


    I am only telling this from a long experience as a cancer patient. I actually went to the Kushi institute which has the same schtick, a few thousand dollars later and my cancer was worse. That was seven years ago, I wish somebody had told me then. Eating right and staying active are the best therapies even if you are healthy. Keep going for those walks and eating plenty of greens.

    God Bless
    J.G. DVM

  4. I find your story interesting. I was just diagnosed with two inoperable brain tumors in the hypothalamic area of my brain. I started chemo a few weeks ago and start radiation treatments next week. This is all new to me and moving so fast. Still trying to understand everything. Does blogging help you?

  5. It seems like everyone has their own ideas and methods when it comes to cancer treatment. I am just going to pray for your decisions. You have so much information to shuffle through and process. I think you are doing an amazing job! Only you have "your gut feeling" no one else can have that for you. What works for one, might not work for another, but don't stop trying. You have an ability to try what others only fear, a blessing and a gift. You may get a negative comment or two, but know whatever you decide, we are all rooting for you. Go team Jessica!!!

  6. Thinking of you! I have often wondered about those myself. You are so thoughtful, organized and diligent in all that you do I cannot imagine it doing anything but help you.
    Much love, Maleka


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