Showing posts with label immune booster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label immune booster. Show all posts


Coffee Enema

Three guesses about what I'm about to do when I finish this post.....

Really quick, thank you for all of the amazing comments, and support for my treatment!! I appreciate you guys so much!

I have a funny, gross post today...I have been meaning to do a coffee enema for about, well, a couple of years - ever since I started researching important things to do for cancer patients. I really do want to do this enema, for the results, but I'm TERRIFIED of the process. Coffee enemas are very effective at stimulating the immune system. (Check out The Gerson Therapy.) Therefore, I figured it is now seriously time for me to buck up. I've made it this far, taken all kinds of supplements, conquered a few brain surgeries, and now I'm embarking on an immune system boosting treatment with the vaccine....I should be woman enough for a coffee enema. Right? GROSS!!! I can not believe I have to do this. I'm supposed to do it once a week. I hope this doesn't turn into a complete disaster. Wish me luck. Sorry, is that too much to ask? Sorry if you're totally offended.


Here goes nothing. Or, more accurately, here goes my innocence and dignity...


New Supplement Recommendations

Sorry it has taken me so long to give the update on the supplements that Dr Chang recommended. I'm going to break them down below:

Lactoferrin (250mg 2xd) - Immune booster (read more here)
EGCG (250mg 2xd) - Amazing antioxidant (read more here)
Cloud Mushroom Extract (1500 mg 2xd) - Immune booster/cancer suppressor (read more here)
Thymus (4 sprays 2xd) - Immune booster (read more here)

Banerji Protocol 
Calc Phos 9X (3 pills dissolved under tongue @ 10:00am, 4:00pm & 10:00pm) - (read more here)
Ruta 6C (3 pills dissolved under tongue @ 7:00am, 1:00pm & 7:00pm) - (read more here)

I recommend researching all the different supplements on your own if you're interested in taking them. If you are concerned about quality, please check out Dr Chang's website, all of them are available there, and I trust him.
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