
MRI Results

As the neurotic tumor fighter that I am, I drove myself to UW this afternoon to get the radiology report from the medical records department, unable to wait the 1-2 weeks for the typical UCLA response.

First, a reminder that my two hospitals don't always agree, however, it looks like we have a green light from University of Washington Hospital.

To quote the final impression: "Stable postoperative changes within the resection cavity. No evidence of new abnormal enhancement or increasing surrounding FLAIR hyperintensity to suggest recurrent." BOOM. Done. YES! This report was using a comparison to the July MRI which is even better than comparing it to October.

What a relief! I have been so nervous. I wasn't even able to eat today. I will wait for final celebrations for when I hear from Dr Liau at UCLA to confirm, but man, I am very optimistic. If she, and the tumor board agree with UW then I'm good! All the the expense for my immunotherapy, the venom, the supplements, the diets, the exercise, the research, the sweat, the energy, the effort, it has all been worth it! Now, I just need to keep the ball rolling. I want to remain healthy! I'm already happy, so the gift of health is just more than I can dream. It is always my biggest goal, my ultimate hope, and the main thing I wish for, what I work toward. To celebrate, Dan and I are headed to the gym. As I sprint it out on the treadmill, I'll bet I'll be the only one with a huge goofy grin on my face, just teeth, smile wrinkles and sweat, that's all they'll see.

The only new growth I want to see is in my garden!

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