
Book Club

I'm sitting in my office (which is the dining table), drinking a deliciously fresh cup of coffee. It's sunny. I had a great night sleep. And yet, I'm still feeling that slight twinge of uneasiness. Kind of like nerves before a date. Instead of having a biological clock ticking, I have a MRI clock ticking.

I'm doing a pretty good job of focusing on the important things. For example, the book club is meeting at my house tonight. Usually, I would go crazy cleaning. Hitting the usuals like vacuuming, mopping, cleaning the bathroom - and the other not so usual spots like the baseboard, rinsing light bulbs, organizing shelves in the kitchen, spot polishing silverware and dishes. These days, instead of being anal retentive about cleanliness when I have guests, I'm just taking it easy.

Yes, I'll clean the bathroom, but no, I'm probably not going to clean the baseboard. I'm actually looking at the baseboard right now and it's completely hideous. It's really disgusting, so I might actually clean that. But maybe not. I don't think any of the girls will care if I have dusty baseboard. I guess, people aren't going to judge me by a dusty baseboard. And if they are, they're definitely going to find more things to judge, and that would be impossible to prevent.

Back that that awesome mantra: Just enjoy life, and breathe.

...and maybe go clean that baseboard. Seriously. It's gross.
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