

I woke on Saturday and continued to unpack, and as the minutes, then hours passed I became more and more anxious. It hit me like a ton of bricks that the MRI was a week ago. That's a long time to not have results. In the past, UW had emailed me test results from their secure system, so I decided to log in and email the doctor's office to see if they could send the report. I knew it was a Saturday, so I didn't expect to get any response (other than an automated one) until the work week began, but bam within 10-15 minutes the report was in my account. It really improved my opinion of UW. I have had some bad experiences with the oncology department, but it's nice to have positive experiences with other departments to wash away any negative feelings.

So anyway, after Dan and I read the report, I posted it to the blog so that you can see for yourself. We feel incredibly relieved with the news. I feel like this MRI report is the best one yet. I'd love to see less flair/T2 signal, but for now I'm just thrilled to not have any nodular area/no tumor and no uptake of contrast dye. 

It took several hours for the report to kick in, and I guess it still hasn't. I'm kind of riding a wave of relief, and it feels fantastic. I even dreamt last night that I was sailing. :)

To celebrate the wonderful news, Dan wasn't satisfied for me to just watch girlie movies cuddled in a blanket on the couch, so he stepped up his game and we grabbed some friends. Removing his bias against dancing, we went out and boogied! I am a ridiculous dancer, but a happy one. I'm always game for dancing, but when it's to literally celebrate life, it feels even better. :)

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