I've been feverishly re-reading my packet from nutritional solutions (they don't just give nutritional advice, also they provide off-label drug info, conventional treatment information, and much more), all to organize synergist treatments for whatever they find in my scans. The way I see it, I may have:
A. No tumor
B. Tumor, but still low grade
C. Grade 3
E. Grade 4
There are lots of various options at each stage, and there are different recommendations for each. I'm working on game plans for all possible outcomes. That way I will have a lot of immediate questions, and will have the ball rolling.
One of the things I'm asking (regardless of scan results) is for a prescription for accutane. I was doing research yesterday and my UCLA doctors are working on a clinical trial for low grade gliomas with IDH1 mutations (Liau & Cloughsey) pairing standard of treatment with accutane. Anyway, I can't wait to ask Liau & Cloughsey all about their trial. Apparently, if you have the IDH1 mutation, accutane can really extend your life. That's exciting!
Ok, time to taxi. Don't want to pull a Baldwin.