
Everyone Needs a Makeover

Not much more to do on a stormy September day than finish art projects. You can see a before and after of a chair makeover I completed today, down at the bottom of the post. By the time I was finished it was already sunny again, just another beautiful thing about Seattle.

I don't know what's going on, but I feel down, almost depressed even. That's not normal for me. I feel such stress about the Dopa PET and MRI scans in October. I'm scared. What if nothing I've been doing is working? What if they find out that the area in question is tumor. Will I need to start chemo?

I am dreadfully sick of having a tumor. I'm sick of having to work so hard to fight something that is this powerful. I will continue to fight, because it's what I do, it's the only thing I've got, probably the reason why I've survived so far, but my heart isn't in it right now.

I just want to be normal, have normal activities, normal thoughts, not always be afraid, not have to do all this work. Sorry for complaining, I'm just scared. I'm tumor exhausted. It's like a mental jet lag, but without the fun part of traveling.

Here's a photo of a chair that was left at our house from the previous renters...
Here's a photo of the chair after I got my grubby hands on it...
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