Last night, feeling exhausted yet restless, Danny and I headed to the gym. I warned Dan that I wasn't really sure if I could last long, and he said, "Hey, even if we only go for 30 minutes, at least we went."
Once I got on the treadmill for a twelve minute warm up I started feeling better. My legs started stretching out and I started jogging. Before I knew it I was hitting the cool down period because I had reached 60 minutes. I can't believe I jogged four miles! It was a nice pace, 12 minute miles, and no headaches! I've decided that the easier the pace the longer I can run. I'm not pushing it, just listening to my body.
On the way home from the gym I saw this quote on the avenue. I thought it was absolutely hilarious that my inspiration was up on a sign above a burger joint. What a simple, yet profound thought. As we drove home I realized that all I'm doing is just putting one foot in front of the next and it's working. I still haven't given up even when things are hard. I'm proud of myself. I still want a shirt that says, "I don't just have a bad hair cut, I'm surviving a tumor." Just for the record :)