
Reliving the Glory Days

Morning Friends!

Dan and I have our triathlon this weekend. Remember that? Yikes. Have we been training? No, not really. We've ridden our bikes around the block. We've jumped in the sound a couple of times. And we jogged two miles last night. It's almost as if we've forgotten that we're not in our 20's anymore. Fingers crossed for no injuries!

This was all a harebrained idea to relive my glory days, the days before diagnosis. When I was diagnosed in 2010 I had completed two half marathons so far, and I wanted to take it further. In fact, I literally just went back in my emails to dial in this message from two weeks before I was diagnosed:


In three weeks I'm off puddle jumping from Iceland, to Sweden, to Poland, to the United Arab Emirates and back. It's a really quick trip though, only about three weeks. I'm really excited! Going to go see the Polish family and then down to the Middle East to see one of my best friends from college - quite the adventure! You're tiny enough, you'd probably fit in my suitcase. :)

The Triathalon is in Lake Chelan, and it's called The Chelan Man and there's a lot of different options. It's on the weekend of July 17th/18th. There are different races on Saturday and on Sunday. I think I want to try the Triathalon Sprint: http://www.chelanman.com/index.php?page_id=302
The Olympic Triathalon looks great too though - just really challenging. Might be really fun to do as a three person relay though - but at the same time I kinda want to try an entire three-leg course. People could stay at my place, or we can camp out on the riverfront at my parent's house - that would be fun!!! Jet skiing to get us into the competitive mood of the race?!?! 


As you can imagine, I never did get to take part in Chelan Man in 2010, and the trip was cancelled. My life, from two weeks on, was forever changed. It's bitter sweet to try and compete in this race (although I use the term "compete" lightly), because it reminds me of my old life. My carefree life. That ignorance that allowed me to think that my problems were important. It's going to be fun, and hard. It's supposed to be 97 degrees as a high on race day. Dan is doing it with me, though, and we'll just have a lot of water on hand, and seizure medicine as a given. This will be tricky when sun, dehydration, stress, and heat all trigger seizures, but it's something I feel compelled to do. To live my life and try to get back on track. To be the person I once was, but better. Jess 2.0, new and improved.

I'll post pictures next week, if I survive that is. Ha! Of course I will, I've navigated tougher waters that's for sure.
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