
One Down

Completed the MRI with contrast. In two hours I'll have the Dopa PET scan. In the meantime I'm chugging water to ease the burden off my kidneys. Can't eat anything until I'm done "scanning", so I might as well make off like a water buffalo.

My arm is ready and waiting for the next needle.

Best message of the morning (no offense to anyone - I have really appreciated the sweet messages - this one was just too hilarious)....

The above pic came with a note saying, "Honey Badger says don't worry." Thanks Uzdi! I laughed out loud when I saw it.

While in my scan this morning, I noticed how nice it has been to do this whole thing alone. To wait for them to call my name, or find my way around the hospital, has actually been kinda nice. When you go to an appointment, not only are you a little worried, those around you are even more worried, so it becomes a cloud of anxiety, even in the best of cases. You guys know me, I love my independence. I guess this is just one more step of accidental liberation. Thankfully I've been traveling back and forth to NYC so I have some practice.

Truthfully, I'm enjoying myself. I'm watching people, I'm wandering around in the fresh air (in a t-shirt no less). Whatever they find on the Dopa will be what it is. In the meantime, I'm just going to soak up the world around me 

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