

The other day my mom surprised me with a puppy spa day for Emma. Emma loves getting pretty and clean, and the dog was starting to get stinky. It's our fault since we take her out for jogs, and walks, regardless of the weather. Her nickname should be puddle. Anyway, while the sweet dog was getting beautified, I sat at a cafe next door downloading artemisinin research articles onto the blog.

It was so much fun sitting at the cafe, just a half a mile from our home. I enjoyed the walk, crunching leaves beneath my feet. Even though we've been living in Green Lake for a full month, I still hadn't been to a coffee shop, I had done all of my blogging and computer work from home. It was nice to have music, and delicious smells. The people coming and going, studying, visiting, laughing and reading, it was invigorating. It made me feel alive and important. That probably sounds weird, but there's something about being out in society, amongst people, that makes me feel like I'm doing something, something more than just being, just existing. Anyway, I loved it. Because of my dietary restrictions there wasn't anything I could eat, but I had a hot tea and that was good enough for me. If the cafe was busy I would have left, no need to take up the table, but I got lucky and there was plenty of room. It was a really fun treat, and a great morning (both for Emma and for me).

The downloaded articles on Artemisinin can be found on the right side of the blog, under Pages, and Artemisinin Research. It's just under the image of my big old tumor....oh my gosh, I just checked the link and the research isn't displaying. Damn. There went three hours of time. I'm not that handy with technology, especially when it comes to this blogger stuff. Let me try again and see if I can upload successfully this time. There's no easy way to upload documents. Please bare with me.

On another note, tonight is the WPIG Pigture Perfect Silent Auction! Yay! Hopefully my piece of art will raise a few bucks for Ryther. Even my parents are coming, and that's very exciting!

As for the diet, I've had a few friends asking what I'm able to eat, or what my current restrictions include. Here's my deal:

No meat
No diary (except for a glass of milk to take the artemisinin, dairy fat has the best absorption rate with the pills)
No processed sugar
No four
No alcohol

But, I CAN eat:

Whole grains (brown rice, bulgar, quinoa, etc)

Here's a typical day:


  • Green Drink (a blender stuffed with spinach, one cup of water, a teaspoon of fish oil, a teaspoon of flaxseed oil, half a cup of blueberries)
  • Vitamin E (400 I.U.), Vitamin D3 (400 I.U.), Vitamin C (500 mg)


  • Apple or a handful of mixed nuts 


  • Mixed greens salad (chopped purple onion, raw apple, ground flaxseed, squeezed lemon, shredded kale, fresh basil, fresh cilantro, chopped raw garlic, cracked pepper - on days when I have it, avocado)
  • Black beans or brown rice if I have it left over from the previous night (I cook the beans from dry beans to avoid the chemical in canned goods)
  • Green Drink (a blender full of mixed greens, and a stalk or two of kale) or an apple (we have a whole box of organic ambrosia's. They're delicious! After that I imagine I'll change up my fruit.
  • Mixed greens salad (same as above)
  • Steamed broccoli
  • Brown rice or some type of legume

Surprisingly, I don't live my life starving. I feel superb. I have more energy, less headaches, and I feel great all around. I'm still have my bad days of exhaustion if I do too much, but I feel so much better. I know that I can live on this diet forever if I choose to. Basically, I eat any and all vegetables, I eat some fruit but I try to keep it limited. Same with the legumes and whole grains, if I eat to much of those I get bloated and I get a stomach ache. I also prefer to eat raw veggies (except for broccoli, raw broccoli grosses me out).

So there it is. That's my basic diet. If you live in Seattle, or head there from time to time, my new favorite place for fresh juices and raw vegan food is Thrive Cafe. It is truly unbelievably delicious. It's heaven. Try it out! My favorite fresh, organic juice is Refresh, and I finish it off with an Elixer Shot, the Cobra. Both are delicious and make you feel like you're ready to run a marathon, and conquer the debt crisis, both at the same time. 

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