
14 Years Later


I was told I would never live this long, that I would be lucky to see 4.5 years. Today, 14 years ago, I was diagnosed with a honker of a brain tumor, and four brain surgeries later, I'm still here.

It's an endless saga of treatments, research, medicine, fear, bloodwork, MRI's, seizures, new opinions, old drugs, new drugs. Living the brain tumor lifestyle, rather than fighting against it, has given me so much more insight into what might be possible.

I remember thinking, "As soon as I get rid of this tumor, I can go back to living a normal life." But somewhere along the way, I realized, I couldn't have both. I couldn't go back to living a life not centric to cancer. That in order to thrive, I had to completely evolve my thinking and actions. 

My health is paramount, my research and ever evolving wellness is a gift that I give myself.

I don't have social media, but I will post updates here, from time to time. Thank you for the love and support. 

I can't believe I'm still alive, playing here on Camp Earth. It's fucking awesome!! 

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